Jury on 2017 Monochrome Awards
So one of my proudest moments is this email : Dear Nicola Davison Reed,We're launching 4th annual contest Monochrome Awards. As a...
#2017 baby..bring it orn
So some might say what's another year, what is the point of resolutions,i love any opportunity to shake the rug out, i love the idea of a...
Trippin about Trip Magazine
Trip Magazine has picked up my Street Project 30 SECONDS OF STREET PORTRAIT which is super cool as the magazine is ...super cool...get in...
Ho Ho Hola!
Tis the silly season again and the bubbles of excitement already popping on my holly bush! Been super busy of late which is all that i...
#Love conquers all
The world is turning, and with every turn there are changes, the 4 seasons are the thread that these pearls hang on. There are good...
The Comfort of Strangers
Ever since i read The Comfort of Strangers,a 1981 novel by British writer Ian McEwan, it has always stuck in my head.The last couple of...
Making Street Portaits
Been in the Nottingham hood again with shooting buddy Crash taylor as part of our personal projects . The folk of Nottingham didnt let us...
Corfu Street
Returned from a one week break in Greece: the magic of the islands seeped into my soul once again. such beautiful Islands, managed to...
Its all good in the hood....
Great September..leaving for a well needed one week rest in beautiful Greece, a land i spent some months in when i was a poor traveller...
Wake me up when September ends..
What a really cool summer , ok balancing BlueBell Yard with Q time with the kids is a little divisive at times but whose complaining ,not...