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#2017 baby..bring it orn

So some might say what's another year, what is the point of resolutions,i love any opportunity to shake the rug out, i love the idea of a new tomorrow, yesterday is important but it is exactly what it is..yester day. So with that in mind, i now contradict myself , as like most people i am a series of contradictions, one thing staying the same is my application to photography. Im shooting every day as per, looking at images all the time, reading, absorbing, listening and generally lapping up life like its my last tomorrow. Nothing is taken for granted, i grant you that much. My studio work where paying clients visit me is gently rising, not receding, not plateauing, a little upward curve which hey, we all need a gentle rise now and again, more often that not . Personal photography is warming the cockles of my heart, still supercharged and not ready to slow down the drive for no one no thing, if you want to come along for the ride, hold on, its my way on the high way. So more Street, more conceptual, more studio work, more sharing the creativity, as i always say, if you dont like it,turn the tape over.

Real Peace

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