Its not what you do its the way that you do it...
...hardly ever poorly so to have a chest infection this week has near enough done me in, but thankfully today for the first time in a week my chest is not sore and the cough has eased and although shaky feel so much point bleating on as the only place you will find sympathy in mia casa is between shit and syphillis in the dictionary :)
Anyway amongst the graft and the grime had some uplifting news this week and also some really cool support flying my way this week. I am always striving to turn negatives into opportunities and not allowed bad vibes to filter through, it can be a struggle especially when feeling a bit off colour, but i managed and leaning so many lessons along the way, i love to evolve and learn more about myself, to become a better human, photographer , business person, mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunty and friend. I try daily , i think its my duty as having the privilege of this space i am taking up on this earth to continually carve myself out to be the best example of myself i can be...even if i not afraid, because my mistakes teach me more than my successes.